This is what I took to the dermatologist for my skin treatment, which was supposed to last two hours but only went an hour and a half because I didn't ask for a break. I had my face cleaned with acetone (very smelly) and then covered with medicine (ditto) and sat in the waiting room for an hour. While waiting I ate the breakfast muffins I brought with me and drank some juice, read the beginning of one of Tilly Rose's stitch books, and did some work for the day job on my smart keypad.
The nurse then came to take me to have the light treatment. That was sitting with my eyes closed for thirty minutes while a wrap-around light device did the work. It was mildly uncomfortable -- like how you feel after staying outdoors a little too long without sunscreen -- but no big deal. Once she saw I wasn't going to be fussy the nurse went to deal with another patient undergoing the same treatment (apparently she was very fussy about hers.) Once I was finished she also praised me for being tough. I guess growing up in Florida made me more tolerant of light in my face. :)
I'm home now, and must stay indoors for the next two days as the medication and treatment slough off the precancerous patches from my face. It's a bit itchy, and I have some minor swelling happening around my eyes, but I don't think it will amount to much. Modern medicine really is marvelous.
I'm glad you were able to tolerate everything so well. I'm not sure it was growing up in Florida as much as what you've been through though. Pretty bags!
Much better than how they used to do it. It's a shame you couldn't get a manicure and a massage while they were at it.
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