I'm getting complicated and scattered with my creativity lately, so I set everything in progress aside to do a start-to-finish single project as a kind of head reset. I started with a long strip of pieced binding from the recently-arrived scrap box, and sewed it into a block. To this block I added a couple of white print ends and started quilting it.
I used some wide twill ribbon I salvaged from a bundle of towels I bought to use as the straps for the bag. While I worked on this project I thought a lot about how I've been getting in my own way lately. It seems like I have too many ideas, too much material on hand, and not enough time. Aka the story of my life.
I have two quilts now that I've started but not finished, and that also makes me uneasy. I do know on some level that I need to downsize my ambitions and focus on one thing at a time.
I saw this little oval of infinity on the bag that happened spontaneously while I was sewing the strip into a block, and it reminded me of that Muppet face that appeared on my linen quilt in progress. Perhaps it's the universe chuckling at me again. Anyway, I feel ready to go back to the art quilt, finish that, and then get back to work on the linen quilt.