I'll be adding updates on my NaNo novel wordcount to the sidebar widget (on the right over there), although I am switching projects. Instead of writing a novel for fun in November I need to knock out one for work. Pays the bills, always a good thing.
Meanwhile (I'm writing the next 30 days of posts in October to free up my November for novel writing) we had our first burn of the Fall last night when the temp here dropped down to 63F (that's basically freezing for us):
I sat with my guy and Kat for a while, but I really don't like being out in the cold even with a fire, so I came inside and made Rice Krispie treats for them. Then I continued quilting my Fall runner, which is almost finished now:
I outlined the patchwork blocks in dark gold and copper Holographic Sulky, which gave it a nice subtle sparkle:
I have one more thing to add to it (which is coming in the mail this weekend) and then I can bind it.
That fire is lovely! We do fires outside in the fall. I'm sitting out there with my -20 jacket on and my mittens and a blanket, but we like it ;)