Very well-written and information dense, sometimes a tad bit stodgy, and constantly surprising. Because the author is very smart and not especially interested in catering to the reader, probably not for anyone but an unwavering history buff like me. It's a bit like auditing a college class on Scottish influence on the rest of the world, particularly America. And speaking of pie:
Behold the sugar pumpkin we had to go to six different markets before we could find it. Everyone at the first five markets looked at me as if I were crazy when I asked for one. One young clerk didn't know you could use an actual pumpkin to make fresh pumpkin pie. Ah, youth. You're going to starve when my generation dies.
While I was cooking Edward called me out onto the porch to see what Nature had put up for us as Thanksgiving decoration overnight.
It really was pretty. The nicest webs are spun by these little tiny crab spiders no bigger than your pinkie fingernail.
We invited Katherine's boyfriend to join us for dinner, but otherwise asked everyone else to skip us this year as Covid is raging here and Edward is still recovering a bit from his bout with the flu. Boyfriend ended up cancelling on us, so it was just dinner for three. Nice, simple and quiet.
Well, except that one moment. Ha.
I found the seed for Sugar Pumpkins and will definitely try them next year. I had planned on growing pumpkins anyway for the animals, but now I'll keep a few back for pies as well.
Glad to hear you had such a nice Thanksgiving.