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Projects Ten

I need to motivate myself creatively, and nothing does that like a to-do list. So here are:

Ten Projects I'd Like to Tackle in June

Bread Making: I've been wanting to try some new homemade bread recipes, and start making my own hot dog and hamburger rolls.

Donations: Now that Goodwill has reopened here, I need to get together all the stuff I've been holding aside and clean out a few more fabric bins so I can make some donations.

Journaling: I stopped writing in my Sojourn journal because it was getting depressing. Need to finish it and start a new one that isn't about the pandemic.

Masks: I want to continue making a few cloth masks every week. It's really the only way I can help out, and it feels good to make them.

Mom's Birthday Gift: I have until November to make it, but I need to at least decide what I'm going to make her this year.

Office Closet Reorganization: During my massive spring cleaning I did get the office closet unloaded and cleared out, but I need to reorganize what I put back in there.

Oliver's First Birthday Quilt: September will be here before I know it, so I began working on this project in late May. I'm hoping to finish it by the end of June.

Short Story for the Blog: Just for fun, this month I'd like to write another one about Claire and Korian from Lost and Found. So I put together a cover and title as you can see here, and jotted down some ideas about what would be next for them.

Sugarfree and Dairyfree Ice Cream: One thing I really miss is ice cream. I do like the nice cream variety I make with bananas, but the recipe only works with a few flavors. So I'd like to figure out a way to make my own sugarfree/dairyfree version, maybe with some unsweetened soy yogurt and Truvia. Just finding sugarfree vegan yogurt is a real challenge, though.

Upstairs Cleanout: We are about 3/4 of the way done with clearing out the room above the garage. Since Kat is moving home the last week of June, need to finish that sooner rather than later.

Finally, over the last week I've been writing extra blog posts, and at present I've got two weeks' worth saved to publish automatically. Since I like to plan in advance that made me very happy. :)

What are you hoping to tackle this month? Let us know in comments.


nightsmusic said…
Rocks. Lots of rocks. Around my flowerbeds. I've been doing that for two years now. I'm really hoping this month I can finish up ringing the beds. Then I'm done with rocks. I don't have much else in the way of goals. I guess I'm a little boring.
Maria Zannini said…
Call Goodwill before you go. I read that some locations are refusing donations at this time.

We put in the second garden. Looks good. All that's left is the fence to keep Bambis out. That'll require a trip into town for cattle panels and t-posts.

re: ice cream
After you sent me that recipe for nice cream, I found these recipes. I haven't tried them yet. I did try the nice cream. Greg liked it but he said it was more banana flavor than sweet. That could've been my fault. I used 3 small bananas instead of 2 regular.

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