Wednesday, June 17, 2020


About halfway done with hand quilting Oliver's birthday quilt:

The white thread I'm using doesn't show up except on the colored patches, but I like the effect:

Also doesn't show up on the white backing:

I'm still pretty pleased with how it's turning out.

As I'm sure you all know at present Florida is experiencing a record number of new Covid-19 cases. Here in my county the infections have doubled in less than two weeks. I've restocked our food and supplies again so we don't have to shop for a while, but I think we have to go back to the "We don't leave the house" strictest level of self-isolation until it's time to move Katherine home from college. She just called this morning to tell us she has a sore throat so she's self-isolating again. Maybe it's just a cold, maybe not, but the real stress for me comes from not knowing and not being able to take care of her.

1 comment:

nightsmusic said...

Mom mode. I get it. Every little thing that Thing 1 complained about when she was working the COVID unit kicked my worry into high gear. Really hoping it's just a bug and nothing else.

I like the quilt a lot! Pretty pattern, but clean. Very nice.

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...