Two tricks I use when sewing blocks into rows: I always mark the first block's left-hand corner with a safety pin, so I know where the row starts. I also add a post-it to each pile showing the row number and sewing direction so I don't sew them out of order.
Here's the first row of blocks sewn together:
And all seven rows sewn together:
I then sew the rows together to finish the quilt top. Here's how it turned out:
To give you a better idea of the size, here it is on the sofa in my office:
The top took about 35 hours of cutting, pressing and sewing to put together, and this is a very easy pattern that I've made many times. Once I've batted, backed and pinned it I'll hand quilt it, which will take another 40 to 50 hours. It's truly a labor of love, and also why I never sell my quilts. Paying myself minimum wage for labor plus the cost of the materials would mean I'd have to charge $700.00 for it just to break even. :)