Now that I have all the fat quarters cut fir Oliver's birthday quilt, I need to sew and cut them again to make the smaller units that will make up the blocks (and this I'll show you out of order to keep from inadvertantly reproducing the pattern online):
Here I select sets of two of the narrower strips to sew together. I try to pair lights with darks, and (when possible) keep them in contrasting colors so I don't end up with big blobs of the same shades in the blocks:
I sew the two strips together in one long chain, one right after the other. This saves time and keeps the 1/4" seam allowance consistent:
After I've sewn all the strip units together, I press them flat:
This is when I start seeing how colors go together.
Each double strip is cut into smaller units:
Once I have all these strips cut, I'll move onto the next assemblage step.