When the pandemic began I think I was, like most people, reading everything I could about it. That turned into daily rituals of checking the numbers and the news articles every morning, noon and night. I began distancing myself and my guy as best I could from the rest of the world, and created new hygiene routines when I couldn't. I tried to be upbeat and positive when I felt like crawling under the bed, which was every day because I felt helpless. I couldn't even quilt. I stopped sleeping. I wrestled with my job and my household chores, and otherwise walked around in a perpetual state of jumpy exhaustion, if there is such a state.
I knew I couldn't keep that up, so I made an effort to change my response to this mess. I tried small things first. I got creative with cooking, and rediscovered some old favorite recipes I haven't made in forever. When we went shopping I kept an eye out for scarce supplies that I knew my kids needed, and bought them when I found them. In these times nothing says I love you like a six-roll pack of toilet paper, or a box of diapers, or a bottle of hand sanitizer. Feeling useful felt very good, and I focused on that. Since I couldn't quilt I started sewing cloth masks and offering them to family and friends. I did some little sewing projects. I also stopped reading all the news and stayed off the internet except for writing blog posts and e-mails.
I'm not back to normal for me, but I finally feel like I'm heading in that direction now. What have I done this week? I started gathering the things I'll need to make a birthday quilt for my grandson. I baked cookies for my daughter, my guy, and a family friend. I gave Kat that refill bottle of hand soap that she loves, which really made her happy. I even ordered myself some new shorts from Target as summer is here. Plus I donated all my old shorts to Goodwill last winter (nothing I had fit my greatly reduced backside anymore.)
I'm not oblivious to the pandemic. I do still check the numbers once a day, but only in the morning, and only for my county. This morning Lake County had 277 cases. I don't intend to be #278, so I'll continue to be careful by practicing social distancing, wearing masks and keeping up the anti-virus hygiene. But while I'm here, and healthy, and able to do something, I will be making myself useful, and enjoying my family and friends.
So thanks for the reminder, Universe, but I think I'm good now.