In case you can't read the labels, from the left: hand sanitizer, a 12-pack of toilet paper, spray disinfectant, and a hand soap refill atop the TP.
I've only been able to purchase TP twice since the pandemic hit the US. This was the first time I've seen ANY hand sanitizer since March. The spray cleaner is kid and dog friendly (my usual Lysol cleaner is still out of stock), and the hand soap refill is the brand Katherine likes.
I feel ridiculously pleased with myself, as if I discovered actual treasure at the market. What will we find next? Diapers? Baby wipes? Dare I hope now? Ha.
That's a great haul! I'm wondering what I'll find Friday. I have toilet paper coming out my ears. I'd ordered it and when I got a notice that it was out of stock. ordered a different kind. Got another notice and so on and so on and then they all just came at once. The hand sanitizer and stuff, not so much but I still have some. I'd like to get more though if they have it Friday.
And you got the good stuff too! Isn't it funny what makes us grateful? LOL! I was the same way a couple of weeks ago when I found hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes. Still no alcohol though. My stores stock it but it's gone before I can get there.
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