Ten Book Worlds in Which I'd Like to Live
Joren: Twenty-three years ago the homeworld of the Jorenians in my StarDoc series was my ideal world. Still is, sort of. I'd like to live there as a member of HouseClan Giran from A Diversity of Houses.
London: There are many different versions of London in Fictionland, but my favorite is the London from The Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carringer. Lots of interesting supernatural beings.
Lost Lake: I actually do live near the real-world version of Lost Lake from my Youngbloods YA novels, so I don't have to wish for this one. I'd probably hang out with Kari and Connor from Dark of Heart.
Pemberley: I think being able to hang out with Darcy and Elizabeth from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice -- after they got married and left Longbourn behind -- would probably be a dream come true.
Pern: Not crazy about the dragons, but otherwise this Anne MacCaffrey world is very cool.
Petaybee: An Anne MacCaffrey/Elizabeth Ann Scarborough collaboration world, pretty cold, but the locals are utterly fascinating.
Ravelin: If I ever got to live in an epic fantasy world, it would have to be my own. Probably not with the spinners, though. I'd like to go and live with the Srupas on Valanar, I think, as long as we agreed in advance that they wouldn't eat me because I'm old.
Thornfield Hall: I'd go anywhere to hang out with Jane and Rochester, but his estate needs some rebuilding after the way Jane Eyre ended, so I'd pitch in.
Toriana: I'd probably only want to visit my alternate version of America after we lost the Revolutionary War to England from Disenchanted & Co. But it would be neat to meet Kit and maybe have a cup of tea at Sally's cart.
Willowlands: Chalice, the only Robin McKinley novel I've ever liked, has a very interesting world in it.
If you could pick any fictional world to live in, where would you move? Let us know in comments.
Image by Rogier Hoekstra from Pixabay