I didn't want to show you guys this, but our failures are just as valid as our successes. So here is quite possibly the ugliest quilted tote I've ever made:
Yes, it was a mess. I didn't want to quilt it so I had to force myself to work on it. I slapped on scraps to frame the crazy quilt patchwork, which were not a good choice. I then measured the lining wrong, and then stabbed myself as I was pinning it, and bled all over the damn thing. I buckled one top corner to hide the bloodstains, which was when I realized it was pretty much a total fail.
Once I took pics of the mess, I got my seam ripper out, removed the framing scraps and the lining and disassembled the tote. I do like the old crazy quilt squares, so I left them intact.
I'm going to set it aside for now, and give it another try when I'm feeling more creative. Promise!