Try as I might, I can't get my head back into the silk crazy quilt project. I don't even want to look at it anymore. I think it's the notion I could very easily contract this virus and die before I finish it that has killed my enthusiasm. Anyway, I'm officially setting it aside for now so I can work on some small projects in hopes that will jumpstart my quilting.
This is what I'm going to make into something this week:
These are two crazy quilted squares, probably dating back to the 70's. I love the bright colors.
A much older piece of patchwork from the 1880's. Check out the hand stitching used to piece it:
It's intact but fragile, so this will have to be something for use as a display piece.
To motivate myself I'm going to post pics all week of my progress on these, so stay tuned to see what I make of them.