In addition to paying attention to our hygiene habits, basically we are limiting how often we go out in public right now. When we have to run to the store or do errands we're avoiding physical contact with other people. For the first time in twenty years I did not shake my tax guy's hand when I went in to do my taxes; that sort of thing. Due to our annual hurricane season, and just the fact that we live in a rural area, we're always stocked up on supplies should things really get disrupted. Otherwise we're keeping an eye on the CDC web site to monitor the situation, and just waiting it out -- which is all I think any of us can do.
Onto today's post: while sorting through the stuff upstairs, I found something that I left there eight years ago:
Although I gave away a couple hundred of the ATCs I made for my 1000 cards project back in 2012, I deliberately put 91 of the quilted cards in a wicker picnic hamper. Because they were quilted I think they meant the most to me on a personal level.
Sorting through these little bits of art brought back a lot of memories. I really struggled with that project for many reasons, not the least of which was losing my friend and colleague Monica Jackson in May of that year. I also discovered great joy in tackling and eventually conquering such an ambitious project. I tried so many new techniques and had so much fun. I've also never learned more from anything other art project I've done.
I haven't seen these since January 2013, but I remember them all, and I'm glad I kept them safe. They will not be going to Goodwill, either. They'll stay in my office with me, just in case I need a little creative kick in the pants. Maybe I'll sew them all together and make an ATC quilt. :)
That's where we are too. I'm prone to respiratory infections and we're both in our 60s. Fortunately, it's spring and I have plenty to do around the homestead. We try to limit our shopping trips and only shop very early in the morning when the crowds are lightest.
I did take a bit of a gamble last week though. My neighbor came down with something. She was shaking and her blood pressure was dangerously low. She called me and I took her to the ER. They're still not sure what made her BP drop, but she did have pneumonia. She's stable now. I was not happy sitting in a room full of sick people. I was glad they took her in right away. That poor thing was so scared.
As to COVID, we don't have any known cases in our area at present but I'm monitoring.