The Body is indeed focused primarily on the wonders and oddities of the human body, covering all of the parts, systems, functions and disfunctions. In the hands of another writer it might read like any boring anatomy and physiology text; the talented Mr. Bryson effortlessly interlaces the facts with historical background, the people who have contributed to our understanding of the subject, and his own wry commentary. As always the combination is fun and really entertaining.
As a former medical professional I have a fairly decent understanding of the human body, and yet I learned things I didn't know -- such as how exactly Alzheimer's progresses and affects brain tissue. That, I admit, was a bit distressing, as I lost Dad to the disease, but it explained much that I didn't understand about his decline. There is also a section on infectious diseases that (like COVID-19) illustrates the deadly and mysterious nature of viruses.
The Body is not a book for anyone who is very squeamish, modest, religious (or a hypochondriac, for that matter), but it does provide amazing insight into these vehicles that carry us from conception to death. The author also covers both of those subjects, too, and is very matter-of-fact about them and the most personal bodily issues. He does this with marvelous candor that at the same time doesn't offend. I would rate this book perfectly suited to older teens as well as adults -- unless they're squeamish, modest, religious or hypochondriacs, of course.
I think Bill's books about his own life and the various places in the world he has lived or visited rank slightly above his scientific books like The Body, as he is never funnier than when he examines himself. He makes a few mentions and references in this book but overall didn't relate it directly to his own body experience, which is the only complaint I have about it. I would have loved to hear more stories from that POV.
I highly recommend The Body as a terrific read and something of an eye-opener about the one space you will live in for the rest of your life.