I've finally finished going through my stash, and in the end I was able to empty thirty bins, which I stacked up so I could take this atta-girl pic. One was filled with yarn, and three with old books, but the rest were packed with fabric and craft supplies. Mostly fabric, I'm sorry to say. What I decided to keep fit into five bins, which is still a lot, but way better than thirty. All of the unwanted fabric went to our local Goodwill, where I know a lot of quilters in the area do shop for fabric, so it has another chance to be made into something.
Some surprises I found during this project:
Ten brand new spools of Holographic Sulky, including one in a rose color that I can't find at the shops here anymore. I had them in a couple of project bags that I tucked away and never got back to.
A brand new disappearing ink marker and a couple of old ones; also stashed with various old projects. I'll have to test the latter to make sure they still work.
My old Chococat needle case, in which I stored all my hand and machine needles -- it was packed with all the needles I had stashed, too. This went missing a couple years ago. I am so happy I found it; some of these needles are really expensive.
It wasn't easy to do this, and I probably kept more fabric than I should have, but I think reducing my stash by almost 75% made it totally worth the effort. I've also decided not to buy any more new fabric until I use up at least half of what I've kept.
Also, and I think this is important, unless something drastic happens here that I feel I need to share, the blog will be a COVID-19 free zone for the duration. But if you need to someone to talk to via e-mail, for any reason, I'm here. Just shoot me a note at LynnViehl@aol.com.