"In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you." -- Buddha
It's like a checklist for my life, and I think about it often. I feel I've loved a lot: family, friends, role models, pets, work, art, books, music, nature and life in general. I still believe in love, too, despite what it's cost me (and sometimes that price tag was a whopper.) I am blessed to be with the love of my life as well, so I'm good there.
Most of my life has been about endurance, not gentleness. Yet I try now to live what I consider gently via sustainable practices, empathy, providing emotional support, and not being a burden on others. I look for ways I can make my family's lives happier and more comfortable, and I avoid people and things that depress me. I create rather than destroy. That's about as gentle as I can be, I think.
I've let go of lots of things -- PBW, my career as a traditionally published author, toxic people in my life who just used me, etc. -- yet I can't say I was especially graceful about it. Quitting NY Publishing was more of a relief than anything; I'll never regret it. That decision led to me finding the best job of my life, too. PBW I still regret sometimes, but I still think ending it was the right choice (especially now with social media being used as a weapon by so many.) I regret that I let too many toxic people stay in my life as long as I did, but at least they're gone now.
From here I just want to stick to those three goals. If I can love, live gently, and let go gracefully, then I'll be happy. I know because I'm happier now than I've ever been, and I'd like to stay in this place.
What is steering you these days? Tell me in comments.