While rearranging my office I found a bunch of journals tucked away in a drawer. I think I pulled these from my collection (huge) because I was looking for an old photo. It was fun looking through them, so I'll share some peeks inside:
Back in 1986 I was writing a lot of sonnets. Also some pretty savage stuff that I might end up tearing out and burning, as it turns out. Kind of startling to see how pretty my handwriting used to be, too. I'm naturally a leftie, but the year after I wrote this journal I had two surgeries that basically destroyed that hand.
Shopping for dresses in 2015 so Katherine could go to her boyfriend's prom. She didn't get this one, but it was my favorite. I thought it made her look like a Monet painting.
2011, and at the time I was writing Nightbred and having trouble getting into the head of the female protagonist. The last time I wrote her she was just a kid, which is how she stayed in my memory. Ageing up former characters is never easy.
My idea to write on vellum back in 2014 was a bad idea; the ink is beginning to fade now. But oh, so pretty.
Skye as a puppy in 2010! Golly, she was so cute.