I painted these eight years ago when I took an online class in metallic watercolors. On a whim I went to see if my slideshow of the work I did for the class was still on Flickr, and it is (click here if you want to watch it.)
I'm never going to set the art world on fire, of course, but I enjoyed it for the most part, and I learned some tricks. While taking the class I also came up with my own technique to transfer the pattern of an abstract lace with the watercolor, which is what made the background for this piece:
Once I finished the class and did my final project I went back to doing my own thing art-wise. I find I'm happier learning on my own from books.
I also found these stashed away in another closet:
Ice Cathedrals, 1996
Jax (character painting), 2004
Mattias (character painting), 2004
What I realized when I looked at these old paintings was how little I've diversified since getting into art quilting and slow stitch. Quilting is really all the art I do now, and while that's okay (it makes me the happiest) I do miss painting.
So now I'm rethinking what I want to do with my art this year. I'll stay focused on quilting, of course, but I need to pick up a paint brush again, too. No more excuses!
Hope you're staying safe.