Found this while out walking the dogs yesterday:
This twig came off our big oak off the porch, so it has galls, too. These are hard and a little shiny, not that you can tell from the pic.
Also, tried a small reversible applique experiment last night:
It's not great for a first attempt. I'd need lots of practice before I tried the technique for Oliver's Halloween bag. So, back to the drawing board. I think I might draw the face with a Sharpie and then embroider over the marker with black thread. One more experiment tonight!
Also, to cheer myself up and get in the mood for November, I made this with a free image:
Since I've already outlined the book (in my head, anyway) I think I'm now ready to go for NaNoWriMo.
I'm such a pantser. I envy those who can lay out their story completely.