August is the month I never liked much; as a kid it meant getting ready for back to school, which I really disliked. It reminded me that fall, my least favorite season, was just around the corner. This month also seems to be the worst time for bad hurricanes (Andrew, Katrina, Charley, and Frances were all August storms.) I think the only thing I dislike more than August is Christmas -- which I can't do anymore because of that promise I made last year. Probably why August seems particularly dismal this year.
Okay, time for another attitude change. Since creativity makes me happy, August is going to be my creative month. I'm challenging myself to do a little something new and creative every day, and post about it to share it with you once a week. I'm not going to worry about planning anything, either, just focus on being happy and productive in the moment.
Stop by on the 7th to see how I did for my first week. :)