My latest Fabscrap order included five mendable sample dresses, which as a bonus are all my size. This one is a pretty green print floor-length dress in need of some seam repairs. Not sure I'll ever need a floor-length dress, but it's salvageable.
This black floor-length dress only has one sleeve, but I've repaired some shirts that were like that, so we'll see if I can repurpose it. The material of this one is a bit heavy, so I may shorten it, too.
This t-shirt dress just needs collar repairs. Love the color, and if it isn't too tight I will definitely keep it.
The fabric of this dress is absolutely gorgeous. Also a seam repair job.
This dress is in very good shape, but it's a bit short for me, so I might turn it into a top, or find a way to lengthen the skirt with some edging. Whatever I repair but I don't plan to wear will be donated to Goodwill; I'll post the results for each dress as I finish them.