Finishing a big quilt on the first day of August set the tone for the month properly, I think. Making my memory quilt out of old t-shirts and thrifted materials also made me happy. That put me in the right mood to try to be creative every day.
I grabbed these leftover patchwork blocks to make something out of them that would use all five.
While cleaning out my stash, I promised myself when I kept this collection of five inch squares that I would also make something out of them this month -- and I did.
These pieces from my scrap bin inspired my next mini project.
I then tried an online tutorial to make an sunglasses case with these scraps.
More bits from my scrap bin inspired yet another mini project.
Hurricane Debbie kept blipping our power, so I decided to do a no-sew project out of two things on the road while I was out walking: a broken necklace with a crystal pendant and a silver butterfly charm.
Also during the hurricane I took these two cutter quilt pieces out of my stash to make a new pillow for my knee to use while I sleep.
While working this week I also realized I maybe not always start and finish a project in one day -- what I made from the five leftover patchwork blocks took two days -- so don't expect that all month. Also, I'm not showing you the finished projects yet because I want to do a big wrap-up at the end of August. So stay tuned, as the finish line will be awesome. :)