I came away from it thinking better of the entire series. Part of that has to do with me becoming more accustomed to Chinese productions and the usual problems with them, just as I eventually got used to most Japanese dramas being overly arty, pointless and depressing. The other is I'm stepping away from my Westerner point of view and trying to see these series impartially -- which, I admit, I'll never be able to do completely -- and take away more about the story and less about the politics.
The story remains unlikely, but I liked it better this time. I ignored what bothered me during my first viewing and focused on the characters and how they were portrayed. I also followed the romance a little more closely and watched for signs that I might have missed. One thing I did notice this time is how conflicted the lead male is over nearly every aspect of his life outside aerospace engineering (and even at work he has a couple of moments of doubt and fear.) Since I've lived with the same barrage of conflicts with my work I sympathized more with him this time around.
The series still has the same problems, but it is well done, and if you can ignore the annoying elements is very absorbing. Available on Viki.com.