For my first project in July I made a new big hot pad for pots and casseroles with a big scrap of this pretty patriotic stars fabric and some Insul-Bright I already had on hand. My old pad, which is falling apart, can finally retire.
I sewed a bunch of new hair scrunchies using some apparel, curtain and quilting fabric trimmings from my workroom scrap bag.
While brooding over my one-pound challenge quilt I stitched on some thrifted vintage patchwork.
This old house patchwork came out well; I think I might make it into a pillow for my guest bedroom.
I altered another pair of thrifted capris (which were pretty, but looked dorky on me) into summer shorts.
Finally I kept up with my calendar mood crochet project, and used up my second skeins for happy & determined, and so added a third similar color yarn skein for those two. I also used up all my color for content, so I'm on my second skein now for that mood, too. I'm really loving the colors I'm running out of for this project, as they tell me I have many more positive days than I do negative (speaking of, I had only one negative mood day in all of July.) The color I used most last month was happy (6) followed by content (4) and busy (4).
Stay tuned to see what I do in August -- it's going to be an interesting month. :)