I've had this oddly colored skein of very chunky chenille thrifted yarn since December, and I just didn't know what to make with it. It's super bulky, which is a type of yarn I never use. I only have the one skein, and no label to tell me the manufacturer or anything about it. To be honest, it's not that attractive, either, or I would have worked it into that Valentine's Day wrap I made. So I tossed it in my test yarn box and took it out again last month to see if I could make a medium version of the handled basket I learned to crochet from that video tutorial.
It worked up much nicer-looking in the basket form. It was also easier to crochet the basket using one strand of yarn versus three. I just left off making the handles because I want the basket to be more like a bowl, and used up every inch of the skein, so there was nothing leftover.
I do save all the little bits of scrap yarn leftover from my projects, so the basket works nicely for that.