You remember the $43.00 bag of yarn I thrifted, yes?
It arrived last month in near-pristine condition, with 39 skeins of unsoiled yarn, a project the original owner got started, the two crochet hooks, three stitch markers and some yarn needles. It looks bigger than it is, too; this bag is only a little larger than my purse.
Most of the yarn was still wrapped up in the original packaging. Only things that were missing were a single skein and the pamphlet that had six e-books of patterns (which I really don't need.)
I am glad I only paid twelve bucks for it, as you can see just how small the skeins of yarn are compared to a super saver skein. They're about 40 yards each, which isn't much.
It's perfect for what I need it for, however, as amigurumi patterns often require very small amounts of different color yarns, like the green top on this carrot.
Would I pay $43.00 for this new? Nope. But if you can thrift it for twelve bucks like I did, it's worth it. :)