On the second day of March I overslept. I spent ten hours sleeping, which is very unusual for me. This is because I've suffered from insomnia most of my life, but since making significant changes (like acquiring my current day job, which allowed me to escape all the toxic people I had to deal with in my old job) I sleep much better. These days I usual manage six or seven hours sleep, and if I'm very lucky eight. But ten? I sleep that much only a couple times a year, and generally only when I'm sick.
Dreams might be to blame. I remember the night was filled with them, all lovely. I traveled across Europe, I walked the streets of old cities and met lots of interesting people. In one city I stopped by an engagement party where a very attractive couple were exchanging signed contracts. The groom showed me his, and I read these words: "Course shall become Kork." I understood then that they meant to be together forever, and that it was a reincarnation contract they were exchanging, so they could find each other in the next life. There's a story to write right there.
I've been told you can't read words in dreams, but I can in mine. Maybe a lifetime of reading and writing huge amounts every day make it possible for me.
I have a lot of wonderful dreams at this point in my life, and I really loved this night's dreams, but I'm also wary of trying to spend more time sleeping. The danger with loving your dreams so much is that you can end up living in them instead of the real world, where you are wanted and needed by the people you love, and who love you.