I'm starting to seriously slow down with just about everything I do, and not by choice. Writing now takes most of the day just to reach quota (I've been trying to go back to my one-session method, which is not working.) It's all I can do to get my housework finished each week. Meals seem to take forever to prepare. All the quilting and art projects I want to do are piling up; finishing one seems to take all the time in which I used to complete three or four.
I suspect it's my age, and like everything about this time of my life I need to accept it. Since my spirit animal is a cheetah, this is going to take some doing.
Slow stitch has helped me appreciate the journey more than the results, so I've got a bit of a jump on slowing down. I can go back to my two session method for work. Housework is always going to be unfinished, and I know I need to devote a little more time to it. I'm already looking for simpler and quick-fix dinner recipes (found some good ones, too.)
Finally I need to stop trying to do so many projects. I have my calendar mood blanket to crochet, and I'm really trying to finish hand-quilting the crazy double wedding ring quilt while I still can, so those are two daily projects. Instead of trying to do other projects at the same time I need to take more breaks from the quilt (the mood blanket only takes about 15 minutes.)
Another thing I can adjust is my expectations of myself. They haven't aged gracefully at all along with me; I'm constantly making demands of myself I'm no longer young enough to handle. Then when I fail to meet them I hate myself for being old. That's definitely not the right attitude. I need to be more grateful for what I can still do at this time of life.
I've been working out my feelings in my personal hand-written journal every night, and reminders to be kinder to myself seem to help. So does celebrating my little victories. Ageing isn't much fun, but it doesn't have to be all bad.