Since I did such a depressing post yesterday I thought I'd try something more cheerful today. Because my arthritis is advancing more rapidly than I thought it would I have to really start being selective about the quilts I make -- including the larger ones that I've had on my bucket list for a while. So I've whittled down the list to three quilts, and only add more when I finish those three. Okay, that probably doesn't sound cheerful to you, but it is to me. :)
#1 is this Secret Garden quilt pattern I bought a few years back. It's fairly simple and I understand the directions. I just need to gather the fabrics and make it.
I've always wanted to do this Desert Sun quilt pattern, but I need to practice the piecing technique before I try. That's why this will be #2 on the list.
Finally I added the #3 quilt, one that is fairly advanced but still seems like something I may be able to manage: Anne Marie Saudo's Kintsugi quilt from Simply Moderne Issue #32.
I don't know how long these three quilts will take me, but I'm going to start on the first one after I finish the recycled linen quilt. All of them can be done by machine, too, so if I lose my ability to hand-stitch in the process I can still complete them.