My last (and final) Goodwill auction lot arrived, and this one has a funny story behind it. I actually didn't intend to bid on it, as I was interested in a larger 15-1/2 lb. lot of quilt kits. The one I got here is was listed as Lot "6LBs+ Quilting & Fabric Squares." Because the pics for both listings looked remarkably similar, I accidentally placed a bid on the smaller lot, which I then couldn't cancel. But it's all for a good cause, so I figured it was payback for all the amazing lots I've won.
I bid on the larger lot, too, but of course all the other quilt bidders swarmed and it went for over $100.00 (and not to me.) Meanwhile, I was the only bidder on the smaller lot, which I did win with that first and only bid. From the photos I wasn't expecting much. Some fabric squares and a little scrap batting. Only when I started sorting it out did I realize I was wrong.
The quilting and fabric squares turned out to be eighteen neat little quilt kits with binding and batting included (in fact, just like the kits from the larger lot I lost), and three pillow-size horse quilt panels.
Each kit came tied up like this.
This is what they look like separated. I will guess these were put together by a quilt shop or a quilting guild show vendor. There are no instructions with any of them, which I actually like. That means I can do whatever I want with them, and because they're smaller projects, they'll be fun and (relatively) easy to make.
There's one with holiday kitten panels that combined with some holiday strip kits is probably enough to make a lap quilt.
I love the horse pillow panels. I bet I could work these into some great pillows for my office sofa, or maybe combine them with other panels from that 9 lb. lot to make a lap quilt.
I now have enough fabric (and kits!) to keep me busy for quite a few years, so this will end my bidding on fabric auctions. I had a wonderful time doing it, and learned a lot about sourcing thrifted fabric online. Stay tuned to the blog to see what I make of everything. :)