Summer is my favorite season, and as we enter the last weeks of it I'm usually a little sad. Fall is my least favorite time of the year, and leads into winter, which always ends up being holiday disasterfest in some form or another for me. This year, however, summer has been so filled with fun and joy I think it will carry me through the darker months.
Life can be like a garden if you plant enough good ideas, love and kindness. Maria sent me some packets of seeds, one of which grew into this delicious watermelon. I'll never forget the delight of seeing it grow, harvesting it, tasting it and sharing it with our neighbors. This is just one of the happy things that happened this summer.
Also, I've come to realize just how very happy I am to be writing without having to worry about marketing, self-promotion, dealing with the disgruntled, etc. No one bothers me and my business partner is fabulous, and to be able to say that after almost ten years since I struck out on my own is pretty neat. I was told the other day that I'm one of the last writers among my original peer group who is still working full-time, which kind of amazes me (if it's true. Kind of doubt it.)
Back to my life. Taking off a week and a half off from work -- my first real vacation in a couple years -- to spend time with these two really made my summer bright. They filled my birthday with light. They fill me with light. I'm ready for whatever fall and winter bring now. :)
I even put corn out for the deer which I normally never do. The does had just had their babies and I didn't like to see them struggle.
Can I say I have always been incredibly jealous of how you transitioned your career into the perfect job. I've always felt that if I didn't have to do any marketing, I'd have continued writing.
You did it!! I consider you one of my most successful friends. You make me proud.