Quilters are a lot like writers in many ways, which is probably why I've been so fascinated with the art. We try to make something out of the most basic materials (fabric, words) that is beautiful and creative and provides pleasure to the recipients. We also work alone, unappreciated and unaided, to do something that can be insanely difficult and not make sense to anyone else while it's in progress. I think our finest creations first come to life in imagination, so only we can see what potential is there.
These past six months I have been struggling with the continued loss of my motor function, and had to deal with a lot of resentment. It seems like whenever I love something it's taken from me. But just as with my writing, and building a second career for myself, I just have to find new ways of creating via quilting.
While trying to do that I've discovered I'm pretty good at thrifting beautiful fabric. Thanks to the kindness of the universe, I've had some wonderful surprises, like these quilt kits that came the other day. I'm beginning to learn how to quilt by machine rather than hand. Bottom line, I feel good about my chances now, just as I did when I landed my first freelance writing job. As a writer I've always said no one can silence me. As a textile artist I can now say nothing can stop me from enjoying my art.