The docuseries The Future of . . . offers twelve episodes that take a look at problems, innovations and possible futures for everything from building skyscrapers to using headphones. One episode even explores the future of cheeseburgers, suggesting one day our meats may be grown from biopsied tissue in a lab (and yes, that's happening right now.)
Overall it's very light, which considering the weighty subjects was a good idea (like composting corpses in the death episode) The very upbeat impersonal slant I found to be mildly annoying, as the tone wants us to believe the future will be fantastic and we'll all enjoy these benefits. Uh, you have met human beings, haven't you?
Despite that inane perkiness I particularly enjoyed the fashion and the dog episodes, as there are already things happening with both that I wasn't aware of yet. Virtual fashions may be the way we can shift the industry to end fast fashion, for sure. As for pet translation devices, do I want to know what my pups are trying to tell me? I think I already do. :) Available on Netflix.