Monday, June 26, 2023

Dollar Tree Buys

Another shopping trip to Dollar Tree turned up Quiet & Roar body lotion. I think they remaindered the old bottle design; the new costs $6.99 for 20.2 ounces. A 16 oz. bottle costs $1.25 at Dollar Tree, so you could buy five bottles of the slightly smaller size for what it costs to buy 1 bigger one at Target and have money left over.

When you have to drink a lot of water every day like me, after a while you try a lot of water enhancer mixes. I prefer the kind that don't contain aspartame, and this one is pretty good, taste-wise. A comparable product at my grocery store costs $3.99; I could buy three of these at Dollar Tree for the same price and have money left over.

In summer my hair gets very dry and wiry, so I use a little leave-in conditioner to help combat the frizz. This one not only smells nice but you don't have to use a lot of it. A comparable product in an 8.5 oz. size by Pantene at Target costs $6.29; you could totally buy 5 bottles of the no-name brand at Dollar Tree with, yes, four cents left over! Ha.

1 comment:

Maria Zannini said...

Thanks for the recs. I've been buying a very expensive leave in conditioner, but for a buck and a quarter I'll check out what Dollar Tree is selling.

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...