Ever since I was a kid my mom taught me to be on the lookout for thing people toss away or lose, and I'm not the only one who does this. While out working in the yard my guy noticed these Scotch Titanium-coated scissors just sitting in the road. How they got there we have no idea, but aside from a couple of scratches on the handles they are like new. We can always use scissors, but I was surprised when I looked them up to see how much they were worth -- to buy them new would cost $14.98.
The next day I was walking Shadow on the same road, and as I came to the corner I noticed a very shiny stick in the middle of the road. Turned out to be this 3/4" combination wrench, which from its scratchless condition was definitely brand new. It was probably part of a set that fell off someone's work truck. To replace it would cost around $11.00.
Today during two separate walks on the same road I found an almost new bic lighter and a nearly full pack of cigarettes. I think someone threw them out of a car or dropped them while walking. I picked up both because we have a lot of kids in the neighborhood who might have gotten hold of them. The lighter only costs $1.99, but the cigarettes are currently going for $10.49 a pack. While I added the lighter to our emergency supply stash, I threw away the cigarettes with great pleasure. :)