Because I had so much fun working on the black and white flannel sample shirt in November I made one more order from Fabscrap for the year. Since they were selling pounds of buttons on a pay-what-you-wish basis I donated the max ($5.00) for a box. They're mostly black and white but they'll come in handy for a project I have in mind for next year.
I also order two pounds of mendable sample tops, and got these four gorgeous shirts. All are in very good shape and only need a little TLC here and there. The red and blue flannel is definitely mine. :)
Finally I ordered another white scrap pack, as the first one I received was so great. This one was even better.
I got this huge adorable knit piece in the white pack, and I think I might make it into a pair of shorts for next summer. Stay tuned to see what I do with the rest.