This month I'll be creatively mending four sample tops from Fabscrap. Sample garments are made by manufacturers for a designer as prototypes, so they can see how their design translates into an actual product before mass quantities of the design are made. These prototypes are quickly made, and sometimes don't have both sleeves, all the hems finished, etc. Some samples result in changes to the design, so they can be the only one ever made in that particular fabric or fit.
Since they're not made to be sold sample garments are regularly discarded, which is how they end up at Fabscrap, like this pretty blouse.
The only thing actually wrong with the blouse, which is beautifully made, is a tear in the left sleeve.
This pajama top is full finished, too.
It has two circles of fabric cut out of the bottom hem.
This black and white top is one of the more hastily-made garments, and still had hanging threads on its seams.
The hem and bottoms of the sleeves remain unfinished, too.
This flannel shirt is beautifully made, just like the black and white one I mended last month. It's sole flaw is that it's missing part of a sleeve.
While creatively mending these garments I want to try and keep as much of the original piece intact as possible. It would be easily to trim off and hem the bottom of the pajama top, for example, but I'd lose about six inches of the garment. Finding a way to fill in the two holes in the hem is harder, but more fun, Stay tuned to see how I do.