I thought creatively mending this sample pajama top, which was as long as a dress, would be a snap.
It had only two holes cut out of it near the hem. I found a coordinating piece of fabric among my spandex scraps, pinned it to the inside of the garment and stitched it in place.
Did I mention that the pajama top is mostly spandex, too? Two stretchy fabrics should have been easy to stitched together, but they weren't. They stretched as I worked them through the machine. The thread I was using didn't stretch. Aka puckery disaster.
In hindsight I probably should have run with my other idea to applique fabric over the holes, but the damage was done. I also wasn't inclined to unpick all my stitching and start over. Thus with much regret I trimmed off the bottom of the garment along with the offending puckery mess, and hemmed it.
The finished garment. It looks fine, and it taught me a lesson, so in the end I'll call this a fail and a win.