I stitched quite a bit in June, and made a little of small random practices pieces as well as useful projects. I won't post pics of everything -- we'll be here forever, and there's one thing I made that is really angry that I should probably burn, thank you for that inspiration, Supreme Court. Anyway, this will be a sampling.
I turned a lot of patchwork from that estate lot into gift bags.
Another bag, made from surprise piece of patchwork a vintage textile seller added to my order.
My first try at an original embroidery design that other people can make; obviously very small. I need to tweak anbd refine it, but I hope to make it into a free how-to pattern down the road.
This little piece got me thinking about blue and rust as a theme for an art quilt.
Slow stitched journal cover.
Project bag for me.
I did okay on the linen quilt, but I'm not feeling the love, so I've set it aside for a couple weeks. This month I hope to make my annual summer art quilt. Onward!