Monday, December 28, 2020

Quilting 2020

It's time for my annual review of the quilting year, which for me kind of looked like this:

Although I had an ambitious plan for my quilting this year, 2020 was such a disaster for me creatively I'm surprised I got anything done. So I'm just going to look back on what I was able to do and not worry about it.

Things started out okay with Theo's quilt.

I got started on my silk crazy quilt project, which ended up crashing and burning like the Hindenburg. Still, I got two blocks completed before the world went to hell. What follows from here will be slightly out of order, month-wise, and doesn't include everything I did, but I'm too tired this morning to really care.

This table runner turned out so well even my guy noticed it.

I was proud of myself for fixing this ugly tote.

Oliver's first birthday quilt turned out okay.

I did a lot of small art pieces like this one for my journals.

Mom's birthday quilt also turned out okay.

Making the sparkly fox tote was probably the most fun I had all year, quilting-wise.

I stopped sewing and quilting back in October for a couple of reasons: to do NaNoWriMo, and to let Kat use my sewing room for her painting. I haven't sewn a stitch since mid-November when I got my mojo back and the tsunami of writing started; I haven't wanted to. Right now all I want to do is write through the holidays and then see how I feel in January.

That's it for quilting during this dumpster fire of a year.

1 comment:

nightsmusic said...

You're being way too hard on yourself! My quilt is lovely and hanging in my dining room. All of your other quilts are just as nice so give yourself a break and just enjoy what you did get done. Because it's a lot more than what I managed.

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