Anything Cute, Pink, Yellow or Sparkly: I can't be polite about this anymore. Also, I'm almost 60 and I should be exempted from cutesy stuff now. Please make a note of this.
Christmas Decor: How much don't I love the holidays? Hint: I didn't unpack or put out anything that I already own this year.
Clothing: I pretty much live in T-shirts and leggings now. Have plenty. Also? Everyone forgets that I'm 40 lbs. lighter now, and the XL stuff looks like I'm dressing in a garment bag.
Covid-19: Duh.
Exotic Teas: I love tea, and everyone knows it. Of course this means they go out and find the weirdest teas to gift me, like the one to improve my blood pressure (honestly, tasted like dirt) macha green (horribly bitter) and chocolate orange something (I can't even.) Let me buy my own teas, I beg you.
Fabric: I still have enough to last me until I'm deceased. My only new year's resolution is going to be not buying any new fabric in 2021.
Gifts in a Jar: There are some people who think it's wonderful to layer ingredients in a mason jar, tie a reipe card to it and call that a gift. Alas, I'm not one of them. Exception: if the stuff in the jar is already made/ready to serve, then that's fine. Oliver's mother makes me delicious apple butter, for example.
Kitchen and Cooking Stuff: Operate with these two facts here: I already own it, or I would never use it.
Pain Creams: None of them work for me. Not even the one made from emu fat that everyone raves about.
Sweets: I spent two years resolving my T2 diabetes. There is zero sugar in my diet to keep me healthy and off the meds. Help me stay that way.
What don't you want for Christmas? Let me know in comments.