Saturday, December 26, 2020

Happy 26th

It's my favorite day of the year! Ha. I hope you all are having a nice holiday. Ours was simple but quite peaceful; I made paella on Christmas Eve and my traditional big breakfast on Christmas Day. We kept the gift-giving very low-key, but I got some things I really needed for the kitchen and the house -- and three surprises, too.

The coffee mug came from my guy. :) I'm always nice to him when he interrupts me, by the way, it's just illustrative of the look on my face, I suppose. The two pieces of framed paper art were from Katherine, who hand made them.

This one is about the size of my thumb. The berries are the size of freckles. :)

Enjoy your weekend.


nightsmusic said...

Those are lovely and the paper art is just awesome. Your daughter is just so talented! But the nut doesn't fall far from the tree either ;)

Maria Zannini said...

The paper craft is lovely. I don't have the patience or the manual dexterity to manage anything like that.

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...