I'm writing this on the night of August 15th, to post on September 14th, so I'm still almost a month ahead on the blog. I'm also still struggling a bit while coping with the new hand issues and other things. You know, life.
To get my backside in gear I'm going to post a to-do list of ten things I would like to accomplish instead of angsting over my troubles before summer ends, and see if I can do them all before this post publishes. I'm also going to challenge myself to do things other than quilting so I can dust off and use some of my other creative skills. It's been forever since I painted anything, and I stopped handwriting a couple months back. I may be clumsy with the hand problems, but if I don't use it I know I'll lose it.
A month will give me about three days for each project, so I think it's reasonable. It's fun to have a deadline because it will keep me motivated and I'm always competitive with myself. When I do them I'll add the date I finished each one, and a photo or link if applicable.
Thus here are:
Ten Things I'd Like to Do in the Next Thirty Days
Create some note cards using any technique and mail them with notes to friends. 8/18 - 8/19; made a mug rug-wrapped note*, one with watercolors and some clipped art, and the third with watercolors, a vintage trading card and some crystals.
Make a mask chain (like a lanyard, only it holds your mask around your neck.) Done 8/16 -- cobbled it together out of an old bracelet and necklace chain, and added some beads and crystals.
Make a small slow-stitch project -- maybe another needle book, as mine is packed. Done 8/20 -- hand sewn silk, velvet and cotton needle book for my embroidery and beading needles.
Paint something with watercolors. Painted the little pencil flower sketches I drew on 8/31.
Sew a soft toy for Oliver. Drew my own pattern for a little rabbit stuffie, and made it out of some leftover wool felt on 9/1.
Sketch something in pencil or pastels. Sketched some flowers in pencil on 8/31.
Start a new journal that isn't angry or filled with angst. Since September is National Sewing Month, I started a new quilting journal on 8/25.
Take some inspiring nature photos and frame the best of them for my office. Took Kat down to the lake on 8/20 to have lunch and snapped some shots of the very friendly birds (I wish people would stop hand-feeding them.) Best of the lot:
Framed and ready for hanging in the office:
Write a poem that isn't depressing. Done 8/18 -- I wrote a birthday poem for Oliver.
Write a new short story for this blog. Done 8/24 -- wrote Refuge (click here to go to the story.)
That seems like an interesting list -- wish me luck!
Bonus challenge: Make a cover for my NaNoWriMo project -- done 9/10
*Quilted, which is cheating a little, but this was a special note.