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Breaking the Streak

I haven't had a good run with books in 2020, and the majority of my reads have ranged from blah to dreadful. Happily author Anne Frasier ended that streak with Find Me, an intense crime thriller packed with excellent twists and surprises.

Detective Daniel Ellis's mother disappeared when he was a boy, possibly as one victim of Benjamin Fisher, a notorious serial killer later convicted and sentenced to death for his crimes. Daniel's pursuit of finding his mother leads him to an interview with Benjamin on death row, during which the killer agrees to show him where he buried his victims -- but only if his daughter, Reni, accompanies him. This is the same daughter Benjamin used when she was a little girl as bait for his victims. From this point everything I might write about the story would be a spoiler, so I'll just say Holy Cow, you are not going to believe what happens next.

There are authors who simply get better with every book they write, and a few who continually outdo themselves. Anne Frasier is both. She puts her characters in impossible situations, and then throws more and more at them while they try to survive. Using the most implausible scenarios (and this book is definitely in that category) she manages to convince you it could happen. She's also beyond gifted with getting into the head space of every POV with such precision and honesty it's like they're real people and she's psychic.

It's very hard to keep me guessing, too, and yet with this novel Anne completely hoodwinked me. I thought I had the puzzle figured out not once but twice, and still in the end I was astonished when it was solved. Although it has some necessary graphic moments, there wasn't a lot of gore in this story. I appreciated that. Expect the focus to be more on the characters and less on the serial killer's methods and madness.

I highly recommend Find Me as a terrific crime thriller that will keep you guessing until the last pages.


nightsmusic said…
I bought this, but it's in my Kindle pile yet. I'll get to it soon though. I think I mentioned the Body Reader series she did with Jude Fontaine as the main character? It was superb! You really need to read it.

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