This is what I wake up to every morning: Spiderman hand. To celebrate that, here are:
Ten Positive Things About Having Arthritic Hands
Arm-wrestling challenges are never made to me.
For Halloween I really can dress up as Spiderman, and I'll look very authentic.
I always get a pass for not having a proper manicure.
I don't have to do anything that requires the wearing of gloves for the rest of my life.
People who know me never try to shake my hand. People who don't try, stop when they actually see my hand, look horribly embarrassed, and then apologize profusely.
Picking out what rings to wear is not a problem (can't slip any past the swollen joints.)
Polite applause is never expected of me.
The Asian guy in the mall who tries to wheedle passing people into his massage salon only grimaces at me.
The impulse to give people who drive badly the finger remains just an impulse.
When my guy and I are out he doesn't try to hold my hand. He keeps an arm around me (sweet) or tucks his hand in the back pocket of my jeans (sexy.)
At least I've done enough dumb things in my life that merits having gnarled fingers and dislocated joints.