All of the yarn lot that I fought for is pretty fabulous, especially in value. After spotting all the pricey labels I was willing to tussel for it, as long as I didn't go over my max bid (which I didn't.) I think it's really important not to get caught up in bidding wars.
Anyway, the Christmas varigated cotton yarn cone you see here retailed for $13.05 (Lily actually bought the US company that manufactured it and moved them to Canada.) The Craft-Tee recycled t-shirt yarn has a price tag of $8.99. I've always wanted to try t-shirt yarn so now I can. The two skeins of stripey pink yarn are wonderfully soft, and although they didn't come with labels I've seen similar yarns go for $6.99 each.
Chunky chenille yarn goes for at least $7.99 a skein. Sirdar is a brand out of the UK and these skeins are being sold on eBay for $6.99 each. Country Loom runs about $7.00 per skein.
Sugar n' Cream cotton yarn is $4.49 for a ball, and Peaches n' Cream (a brand sold by the same manufacturer of the Christmas yarn cone) is no longer made. Right here in this pic you're looking at $40.14 worth of yarn.
The lot is very clean and has no odor, and was probably someone's stash. It worked out to 67 skeins and balls of yarn, for which I am very comfortable assigning a $5.00 resale value, given that at least half the yarn is worth much more. That makes a total value of $335.00. I paid $18.00 for the entire lot. Savings: $317.00.