I thrifted a double-sided crazy quilt that also came with a sweet crocheted baby blanket, both of which arrived last month.
This is an expertly made crocheted blanket, probably about twenty or thirty years old judging by the wear on the stitches (it was well-loved, too.). The skill of the maker shows in there is still not a single loose yarn end in the entire piece. I'll be keeping this one to throw over my legs for naps.
The real reason I bid on this lot was this crazy quilt, made entirely of cotton scraps and loosely tied instead of being quilted. The age is a little difficult to judge; I'd say it was made in the seventies from scraps that date back to the fifties. The prints used to make it are simply adorable. This is the front side.
This is the back side. The batting is lumpy and torn, and there are a few separated seams, but otherwise it's in remarkable condition. I'm going to spruce it up and save it.