While I'm working on the emergency pantry, my day job, my regular housework, etc. I'm also spring cleaning as I go along. Part of reorganizing the emergency pantry was cleaning off the shelves in my laundry room directly opposite it, which I did to get rid of some old cleaners we don't use anymore and clear the top shelf for our non-food emergency supplies. You can see I had enough room leftover to store some empty gallon jugs for emergency water storage.
Today I'm planning to spring clean the downstairs guest room; I keep that ready for hurricane season, in case our nephew and grandniece need to come and stay with us. I keep it tidy year-round and we never use it, so it won't take long. I just change the sheets on the bed, dust and vaccuum. If I have enough time I might finish tidying up my office after that. Then there are all the closets, which have gotten messy and overpacked again.
Experience in years past has taught me to tackle little jobs first during spring one at a time to work up to the bigger, more complicated jobs. I've been working on an entire room filled with piles of stuff, one pile at a time. I'll show you before and after pics of that one when I finish.