Here's the rest of the lot I got with the two old quilts I want to use for my dogs to nap on in my home office, starting with the round table cover, also an import like the runner (pretty sure they're both vintage Pier 1.)
This tablecloth is really vintage; my guess is it's at least forty or fifty years old (maybe older.) There isn't a tear or stain on it, and in mint condition like this it's worth about $50.00.
Another vintage tablecloth, about the same age as the previous one. Also in mint condition and worth just as much. Both fit my kitchen table, so I'm going to keep them.
This tablecloth is vintage, hand-embroidered and also in spotless condition. I'd price this one at $75.00 resale because the stitching is so nice. I may use this on our porch table (which it fits) this summer when we barbecue.
Finally the larger of the two quilts. This is an old import that probably dates back to the eighties or nineties (the manufacturing label is so worn it's unreadable), and has seen better days. I dislike buying imported quilts because the workers are paid a pittance and usually have to work in sweat shop conditions. That said, it's definitely coming to the end of its life, so it's suitable for the dogs to nap on and even gnaw on if they want.
The extras in this lot are really the only valuable items, and total $175.00. I paid $9.99 for everything. Savings: $165.01.